‘Zombie’ knives and machetes banned in England and Wales


the Home Secretary has pledged to halve knife crime in a decade. A ban on machetes andso-called zombie knives – defined as weapons with blades over eight inches and a serrated edge – came into force in England and Wales today.

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It comes 48 hours after teenager Daejaun Campbell was killed with a zombie knife in south London – the boy reportedly pleading: “I’m 15, don’t let me die”.

But bereaved families and campaigners are concerned the latest law does not go far enough in tackling knife crime.

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  1. Won't make a difference — a murderer can use any sharp object — like a screw driver or a bicycle spoke —- so knives can actually become obsolete

  2. This will definitely stop stabbings.

  3. News that doesn't give you numbers and info.
    Over 50,000 knife crimes per year. Or 140 a day.

  4. It won't make a jot of difference to knife crime we need stop and search

  5. A kitchen knife tied to a broomstick is just as lethal as a "zombie knife" 😂

  6. And they weren’t before? 😲

  7. Wish America only had a knife problem.

  8. What is a zombie knife?

  9. Simply bring back capital punishment ffs

  10. More cultural enrichment.

  11. If I lived in the UK I'd definitely would find a way to get an illegal gun to defend myself. The west is fucked

  12. Its only certain types of machetes. Just do research on what exactly is banned and you can still buy one. 🙂

  13. Killed by Ni[censored by UK government] and Pa[censored by UK government]. Overwhelming statistical likelihood.

  14. Knives rocks tooth picks,immigration is the problem

  15. There is no way to define a "zombie knife". It's so vague, that they've essentially banned all knives. This is obviously pointless and no sentences will ever be given to actual criminals.

  16. Boy! I sure feel safe now…

  17. There are kitchen knives advertised on the TV that look much the same as the knives they are looking to ban. Stop and search must be done and do not listen to the deluded idiots that pretend it is all about racism. I was born in London 76 years ago and growing up there you could walk around safely at night everywhere. Now no part of London seems safe from knife wielding vermin.

  18. Oh wow we banned knifes after banning knifes

  19. Bet he had his own knives to live by the sword

  20. Its is amazing how think all the partys in our parliament. There is no such thing as a zombie knife as zombie dont exist. Knife crime will alway happen on the streets. Anybody tell the public gov will deal it is lying. Look at prison to know gov cannot stop knife as home made knive are use in prison and streets. Remember its better to be judged by 12 instead of being carried by 6. Its all you need to know. Also remember baning some knives only meaning using a knife which is not banned. A bread knive and craving knife were favorites in 60s scotland and london. In 5 year time look back and will find find labour failed to stop the knife crime in the same way all gov failed with gun crime. The only guns are with police and criminals now but you can pick up a gun in most citys if you know the people in crime. So labour will fail like the torys and the brown gov and blair gov. As mps are pure idiots when it come to crime.

  21. It will not make any difference, African culture needs to be talked about,to get this stopped in England.we need peace and long jail times.

  22. well – to combat knife crime to that extent the Home Secretary will have to ban ALL knives. Good luck banning kitchen knives…….. Most of the knives used in crime in my area are kitchen knives.

  23. I thought it was already illegal to carry a bladed article more than 2 inch long anyway what is this law going to do to make the other law more effective? They cant enforce any of it if the police arnt allowed to search people for any knife let alone a so called zombie knife

  24. Too little too late.

  25. Your government funds genocide 😂 these death as yall say its part of life

  26. It's not the knife, its the fact that they're growing up in a miserable place. Cut immigration, reduce the size of the state, cut regulation and allow for business and opportunities.

  27. 😂😂😂😂😂

  28. Punishments need to be severe – at least 10 times worse than the current punishments.

  29. Five years automatic imprisonment for carrying a knife, never acted upon, considered racist. Instead let's pay £10 for every knife surrendered, then they can buy bigger ones.

  30. Yoooo so if a real zombie out break happens the UK is dead in the first week 😁😆😂🤣🤭💀

  31. So people are deprived of defensive weapons because some people can't control their sh*t kids? They're using this to disarm the public and make us even more defenceless and reliant on authority figures.

  32. Bhahahahaha I'm fucking dead bro🤣 so banning guns stops the violence oh wait they still use guns. Now banning knives. I have a question if I make the same knife but don't paint it black and leave the green rope off does that make it legal?

  33. With zero police on the streets and soft sentences this will do nothing .. they’ll just use kitchen knives instead… this country is a joke

  34. Another superfluous law that hurts the innocent. There are existing laws that cover possession and use of offensive weapons. The problem is they aren’t being enforced. The courts are too busy and the prisons too full for the police to be able to make a difference. This Zombie knife law is a distraction from the real problem, that only hurts the innocent. What are gardeners to use to clear overgrown vegetation efficiently now? because you've made the machete illegal? This just underlines the neglect in the schools, police, courts and prisons that successive governments are guilty of.

  35. Zombie knife = kitchen knife carried by zombies

  36. I have been carrying a knife for over 30 years, not for protection but for the very basic and undeniable fact its a tool, i have never stabbed anyone, in 30 years ive never even threatened anyone with it, when are people going to realize we don't have a knife problem we have a people problem, colour blindness is the root problem

  37. And Im sure the usual suspects will take notice of the law.

    Its not like rhey are feral killers or anything.. oh.. wait.

  38. So dumb. Iv seen friends almost beaten to death by a group of guys with sticks.

    You gonna ban sticks? Ban trees next? What about hands and feet?

  39. Knives don’t kill people, rappers do.

    I heard on a documentary on BBC2

  40. Banning these knives does not make a difference. Do you really think criminals will listen

  41. It's already illegal to carry these in public. Banning ownership isn't going to change anything if the preexisting law isn't being enforced already. The knives aren't the problem it's the people. All this does is create a headache for sensible owners/collectors and sellers.

  42. What sort of idiot would ban a so-called zombie knife when 98% of the deaths in this country are from Kitchen knives? When are they going to ban zombie spoons and forks that make people obese and die?

  43. The people in control of this country are just plain dumb……they can still use a kitchen knife

  44. Going to do very little I’m afraid

  45. Big News! UK has banned the pointy metal thingies! In other news rock crimes are on the rise. What will be next? Will UK ban the fists? Bones? Bad intentions? More news at 11.

  46. its not knifes its black youth

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